An alternative map to an intercultural Budapest

Find out how many ex-pat communities can fit in the city and how dimensionless the modern world is.
In Open Doors, we are proud to have a vast international community. However, we noticed that even if we live in the same city and enjoy the same places, something may slip away from us unless our international friends reveal it. Once a Brazilian member took us to a Brazilian dance evening where it was hardly possible to catch a language different than Portuguese. During a walk, an Armenian friend stepped by a tiny Armenian buffet and chit-chatted with its Armenian owner, a family friend. An idea suddenly dawned on us. No matter where we live, there is a community that helps us feel at home while abroad. Where to find products that are impossible to buy in foreign shops? Where to watch football if your country plays with someone other than a host country? Where to leave the burden of English and speak in your mother tongue? Where to go to reminisce homeland? Budapest can turn into Mexico, or Rome, or Tbilisi, and we have decided to discover as many metamorphoses as we can through the eyes of international communities living here.
For every culture, we prepare an interactive map with places collected by local ex-pats; with their help, we organize tours&walks, cooking workshops, quests, dance classes, and more. Needless to say that everything is open, if you wish to share your culture, don't hesitate to check the infosheet, text us, and make everyone discover your Budapest!
Check out our interactive map with places related to different countries and their communities in Budapest! Don't hesitate to enable and disable layers that you are interested/not interested in:

Client: Open Doors Hungary Year: 2021 Designers:
Other team members:
the volunteers of Open Doors Hungary