From ME to WE 

international youth exchange

The Youth Exchange “From ME to WE” brought together 20 participants (10 participants with migrant/refugee background and 10 participants from the European majority) for 8 days.  During different creative workshops they had the chance to work and create individually, in small groups and also together with a bigger community. The project promoted creativity, developed problem solving and decision making skills of the participants creating an inspiring space for them to share their stories, ideas and views. The participants got familiar with the concept of “design thinking” and as a reflection of the practical workshops they discussed different topic as:  intercultural/multicultural communities, intercultural learning, diversity, tolerance, cooperation, group dynamics and group decision making. 

Client: Open Doors Hungary Year: 2019 Designers:
Other team members:
SCI Italy
SCI Catalunya
Útilapu Hálózat - SCI Hungary
CVS Bulgaria